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How I use Mermaid.js to increase software reliability

In my quest for superior software reliability, I've turned to an innovative approach: using Mermaid.js to create visual diagrams that map user interactions with my system. This technique goes beyond traditional unit testing by providing a comprehensive view of the software's behavior in real-world scenarios.

Visualizing User Interactions for Deeper Insights

Mermaid.js allows us to visually document the entire flow of user interactions, highlighting potential error states and ensuring my software adheres to the intended design. This big-picture view is critical, as it reveals issues that unit tests, focused on individual components, might miss.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "image", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop

A More Effective Approach to Bug Detection

By comparing these diagrams against actual system performance, I've significantly reduced bugs. This visual method is more efficient in identifying discrepancies, offering a clearer understanding of where and why problems occur.

Improving Team Collaboration

These diagrams also enhance team communication, providing a common, easy-to-understand language for developers, testers, and stakeholders. This shared understanding improves collaboration and speeds up problem-solving.


My diagram-driven approach, centered around Mermaid.js, has led to more reliable software and a better understanding of user interaction patterns. It's a key part of my ongoing commitment to innovative and effective software development. Stay tuned to my blog for more insights and updates from my journey.