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How to collect signatures with SignEasyNow

Start collecting signatures online today.

  1. Upload your file

    Log in or create your account. Then visit the Documents tab, and click "Upload file" on the top-right.

    Google Drive files

    You can pick PDF files from Google Drive too.
    Expand the "Upload" dropdown and select your files.
  2. Add clickable markers

    Click the markers on the right and drag them to where you want the signer to click.
    You can add clickable markers for signature, email, name, and date.
  3. Click through "next" buttons

    Answer basic questions such as the signer's email, and a custom message if desired.
  4. The signer receives an email

  5. The signer fills out the document

    The signer can draw their signature.
    The signer can click "Go to ..." on the top-left to bring them to their next signing spot.
    Clicking the marker automatically fills in their signature, name, date, or email.
  6. Once signing is complete, the sender receives an email

  7. Review the signed document

    The email will redirect you to your documents tab where you can review the document.
    You can download it, resend (if the user didn't receive it), and audit.
    Auditing gives you information such as when each marker was clicked alongside IP address information and more! This is important in the case of disputes.

Ready to start collecting signatures?

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